The Beginning

It's taken me a few days, long hours, and countless retries to write this first post. I just couldn't seem to get out everything that I wanted to say, or it wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to sound. I'm now at very humble point in my life where I'm having to ask for help.

It seemed as though all my life I was going to be on the easy road. Nothing was going to foul me up and I was going to be the best at everything I did. Three years ago I decided to take a different path, one that was not only hard, but damaging. I won't go into the details about it, but it wasn't what I needed in my life.

Recently, through the help of an unlikely source, I've decided that it's time to take the high road. I don't like using the term turning back, because that means that I regret what's happened. I don't regret it, because I have learned so much from it...including that it isn't for me. I now know that I can become a better person and master the natural man. It will take lost of healing, tears, and time. I know that I can do this though.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" Philippians 4:13

I am starting this blog to help people understand what I'm going through and to keep track of my own progression.

Things I am Grateful for:
1. Family
2. The Gospel
3. The Atonement
4. Repentance
5. True Friends


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