Forsake and Rebuild!

"Now my son, I would that ye should repent and forsake your sins, and go no more after the lusts of your eyes, but cross yourself in all these things; for except ye do this ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. Oh, remember, and take it upon you, and cross yourself in these things." Alma 39:9

It seems like years since I went forward with this process. Life just continues to get better and better. My faith, testimony, and love of the scriptures is growing everyday. It truly is amazing to feel the change, rather than just say "I'm changing".

One of the biggest steps to my success was forsaking what I had done. It wasn't simply saying I wouldn't do it again, or changing the people I was hanging out with, or the places I went. I had to sit down and think about all the things in my life that had to go.

I remember getting a big white trash bag, going to my room, and throwing almost everything away. Anything that had a memory or emotion attached to it. Clothes that were given to me by people, and clothes that were too tight. I even got down to pieces of paper, without any significant writing on them, but I knew they had to go.

When all was said and done, there were two trash bags full and tearing, the ammount of garbage was amazing. My room was now cleansed, with only two white shirts, five tees, some slacks, and a pair of jeans. I literally had nothing left.

Tears didn't fill my eyes, and there was no remorse. I took the bags to DI and never looked back.

I think when certain sins have consumed our entire lives, you have to cleanse every aspect of your life. Every choice I made was connected to how I was living, from the clothes I bought, to the people influencing me.

If I hadn't gotten rid of everything, I don't know where I'd be. I don't think I'd have gone back to my old life, but I definitely wouldn't have progressed as far as I have. We can't just forsake a little, or a piece, or the parts we don't like. In order to heal and move forward, EVERYTHING must be forsaken.

Life is now so much sweeter. I have had to rebuild my wardrobe with clothes that fit. I've had to find new places to hang out, and new friends. I've even had to clean out my music collection. The small details are often overlooked, they add up, and can attribute to relapse. Be sure to try and find Christ in everything you fill your life with on a daily basis.


Karissa said...

You're so right, I think many of us overlook small little details, myself included. It's hard to see how important they are a lot of the time, but I know that they are VERY important. I am so glad that you are sacrificing so much to change and that you are coming so far.

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