Onward and Upward

I received my letter regarding the pageant in Nauvoo this summer. It was a "no". I was surprised, disappointed, but relieved at the same time. It had been such a stress wondering what my summer held for me. I did my best and that's that.

I've now got the time that I really need to focus on the things that are truly important to me. My music, school, and figuring out the rest of my life.

In regards to music: I've started preproduction on my first album. It will be a combination of hymn arrangements, jazz standards, originial songs I've written, and best of all I'll be doing it with my brothers. We all bring such an interesting piece to the puzzle, and I'm very aware that I can't do it without them. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling and have it ready for the summertime. June 19th is the tenative release time. We'll then see the response and decide if it needs more fine tuning. If not, will start getting it out there.

School: What is there to say about school? It's a pain in the butt. I like it most days, but it consumes all my extra time. I know that I need to get it done, because I can't move forward without it. I'll probably be taking some classes through the summer and I'm hoping to going the council for Fine Arts & Lecture. We'll see how it goes...

The rest of my life: It is a day by day thing. I still can't ultimately decide what I want to do. I've been leaning in the way of public relations. I really enjoy that aspect of things and it will really help with the music career. I'm just simply taking it one day at a time.

I'm really trying to be better about writing on the blog. I will update it as much as I see necessary. I hope to be getting some samples of the songs I'm working on out there. It will be one more destination on the journey.


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